Hampshire Snow Warning

Due to the snow warnings issued in Hampshire for 01/03/2018 we will have limited onsite visits to certain areas of the county. Remote and Telephone support will run as usual by emailing support@aff-it.co.uk or by calling us on 02380 000 770. We will op…

Microsoft Office 2019 Initial Information

On February 1st 2018, Microsoft confirmed some more information about Microsoft Office 2019 that will be released later on in the year. Below is some of the key information on the latest release: Office 2019 will only run on Windows 10 operating system…

Upcoming changes in 2018

Below are some of the changes that we are going to be making in 2018. We would recommend that all current Affordable IT customers give the list a read! Please also find a link to our Christmas opening times here. If you don’t want to read the block of…

Christmas Opening Times

Christmas is just around the corner so we thought we would let you know when the office will be closed so we can eat many mince pies! Our office will be closing on Friday December 22nd and will Re-open again on Tuesday January 2nd at 8.30am. During the…

Office 2007 Reaches It’s End Of Life

On the 10th October 2017, Microsoft Office 2007 reached it’s end of life. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide any technical support, fixes or security patches for the Microsoft Office 2007 suite. Additionally, as of the 31st October 2017,…

Beware the Bad Rabbit

Ransomware is making the rounds again, this time dubbed the Bad Rabbit. This new type of Ransomware is currently spreading throughout Russia, Ukraine and other areas of Europe. This new type of ransomware is currently being distributed via several mean…

Affordable IT Turns 2!

This month Affordable IT is celebrating it’s 2nd Birthday! As a way of saying thanks, we would like to invite all of our clients and contacts to come along and celebrate with us for an evening of networking and more importantly, free cake! The event wi…

Xero Invoices – Please Be Aware!

We have become aware of an email scam that is taking advantage of Xero changing the way they send out their invoices. Any invoices that are sent out to you from Xero will be from an email address ending in “.xero.com” In the example below you can see t…

Curry Business Raises £145 for Charity

Tillison Curry Business Event Raises £145 for New Beginnings Charity On Wednesday 21th June 2017, Tillison Consulting, a Waterlooville-based digital marketing agency and Affordable IT, a business providing pro-active and scalable IT support and managed…

Keep Protected From Ransomware!

A week after the NHS was knocked offline by the WannaCry Ransomware incident last Friday, systems appear to be getting back to normal so we thought we would share some handy tips on how to prevent this from happening to you, and what to do should it ha…